
Om mig

Professionel "hands on" -baggrund

Hans-Peter Henriksen


Jeg bygger mit arbejde på et mangeårigt lederskab af virksomheder som CEO i vidt forskellige brancher.

Mit lederskab har været kendetegnet ved solide resultater skabt i samarbejde med fantastiske teams.

Mit Credo

Be here now.

I have done my very best at every position in my work life, really, with no thoughts about next step in my career

To determine direction I was, when needed, thinking with the end in mind...

…but most of the time; just working with what is.

As a manager to stand aside, never being a bottleneck for other's growth and success

I take responsibility for our failures and give full credit to the people around me for our successes.

I also dare failing, knowing that for each victory there will undeniably be lost battles.

I know – often the words are bigger than the man. But admit, you have to think it before you can do it.
